Come to Czech Republic for the 70th World Ploughing Championship!
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Czech Republic Ploughing Association is the organiser of the World Ploughing Championship.
It is a voluntary organisation that brings together agricultural professionals and organisations throughout the Czech Republic interested in creative work and technical development in the field of soil processing. The Association is an independent legal entity with its registered office in Prague at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic.
Czech Republic Ploughing Association belongs to long-standing members of the World Ploughing Organisation (WPO) and the European Ploughing Federation (EPF).
The ploughing competition is held under the auspices of the Minister of Agriculture, Mgr. Marek Výborný.
The Czech Republic, an official member of the European Union, is situated in Central Europe. To the north, it is bordered by Poland and Germany lying across the mountains chain. On its western side, Czech Republic faces Germany and shares its southern border with Austria. The eastern border neighbour is Slovakia, brother country from past time of Czechoslovakia. The three historical lands of the Czech Republic (formerly some countries of the Bohemian Crown) correspond with the river basins of the Elbe and the Vltava basin for Bohemia, the Morava one for Moravia, and the Oder river basin for Czech Silesia (in terms of the Czech territory).
More about Czech Republic — Wikipedia.
The competition centre and accommodation, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, is a unique educational institution in Czech Republic, specializing in agricultural fields and the broader bioeconomy.
Find out more: WWW Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
Distances from University to Marshalling Yard at Horomerice is 3.5 km.
Stubble field and grassland field are a located directly in Horomerice and distance from Marshalling Yard is 2.4 km.
Come to Czech Republic
The modern ploughing competitions in the Czech Republic have a rich history. There is a long tradition of bringing together Czech ploughmen and improving the quality of their work. For example, the first documented ploughing competition in Bohemia took place in 1855 on the occasion of a regional agricultural exhibition.
Czech Republic Ploughing Association was founded in 1961. Since 1962 has been participating in World Ploughing Championship competitions as a regular member of the World Ploughing Organisation (WPO).
In 2005, the World Ploughing Championship was held on the grounds of the Czech University of Agriculture in Prague. Despite the bad weather, it was rated as one of the best-organized championships, which was a great appreciation for the Czech Republic Ploughing Association for its high quality work in organizing the whole event.
In 2016, the 1st edition of the Central European Ploughing was successfully organised with the participation of five Central European countries. In 2020, the European Championship was completely prepared to take place in the Moravian-Silesian Region. Unfortunately, the COVID situation did not allow this competition to take place.
An experience with the organization of such large competitions was a decisive factor for the World Ploughing Organisation to assign the 70th anniversary edition to the Czech Republic again. Due to the great interest and possibilities, the location in Prague Suchdol was chosen again in cooperation with the Czech Agricultural University.