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For Competitors

Soil, Ploughing, Depth, Plot Sizes, Time

Stubble Ploughing

Type of Land: winter wheat 2024, winter rape 2023
Description of Soil: Loamy to sandy loam, soil type Cambisol, soil depth min 60 cm.

Grass Ploughing

Type of Land: Mixture of different grasses, winter wheat 2024, winter rape 2023
Description of Soil: Loamy to sandy loam, soil type Cambisol, soil depth min 60 cm.

Ploughing depth: During the Contest, the proposed ploughing depth will be 18-22cm, to be confirmed by the WPO.

Size of plots:
Conventional: 20 m wide and 100 m long
Reversible: 16/24m wide and 100 m long
Headland: 15m

PracticePlots: Per country one plot on stubble, one on grassland. Size is approximately 40m wide x 50m long.

Time: Opening split/Opening furrow: maximum 20 minutes + 60 minutes stop time for judging + a maximum of 160 minutes for ploughing.



Please do not start any practice before your plots have been pointed out to you by the Practice Marshall in charge!
No practice is allowed outside the designated hours or plots unless allowed by the Head Stewards.

Sighting Poles

Each competitor will be issued 3 official sighting poles. No other sighting poles are allowed. The Sighting poles will be distributed at the start of the official practice.

Draw for Practice Plots

The draw for practice plots will take place on Sunday 31st August 2024 at the University Dining Hall, Menza.

Briefing of Competitors

After the draw for practice plots competitors will be briefed with information regarding practice fields, rules, and infringements. The teams responsible for the Marshalling Yard, Practice Marshalls, Plough Inspection Team, and Head Stewards will be introduced. Competitors MUST attend. Coaches, Judges and Board Members are advised to attend.

Practice Fields

The practice areas are the same soil condition and located close to the competition fields.

Pre-practice Land

The host organization committee is assisting to arrange pre-practice land for interested countries. The land for unofficial practice is very similar to the land for the Contest. Size is 40m wide x 50m long.

To book pre-practice plots

To book pre-practice plots please send an e-mail to: or indicate your wish for pre-practice plots directly in the registration form on the WPCh2025 webpage.
Pre-practice plots for practice can be booked from now on.
Cost for pre-practice Plot is €100 per plot.

Tractor and plough Hire

If you need a tractor or plough for the contest, please contact before 31.05.2025.


The prevention of all accidents, particularly those involving personal injury or damage to equipment and property is paramount. Competitors need to be aware that the instructions of the marshalling yard, Supervisor and Parade Directors MUST BE OBEYED! Competitors will be penalized if they do not comply with safety rules during practice and contest days.

WPO requirements of safety

No work on the raised plough! PLOUGH MUST STAND on the floor or must be supported in other ways.
The WPO commits itself to the implementation and enforcement of the host country’s policy statement and the Head Stewards will ensure that the following basic procedures are strictly enforced:

  • No passengers will be allowed to ride on tractors or ploughs.
  • Tractors should preferably be fitted with safety cabs or roll-over bars.
  • Eye-protection goggles and gloves must be worn when using cutting/sharpening/grinding machines.
  • Eye-protection shields and/or preferably welding booths should be used when electrical welding, to minimize the risk of glare to all.
  • Electrical equipment should be properly fitted and installed. Particular care should be taken to ensure electrical extension cables are not run over by tractors and other vehicles.
  • The sharp edges of spare upstanding disc coulters must be guarded. These should be taken to ensure that electrical extension cables are not run over by tractors and other vehicles.
  • All ploughs must have a support when a competitor is working underneath.
  • Extra tractor wheels not mounted on the tractor must be laid flat down on headland.
  • You are not allowed to lift the wheel by yourself – you must have assistance.

Tools brought to site by competitors that do not meet Safety Standards will not be permitted for use!


Marshalling Yard

The marshalling yard is close to the practice plots. It will open at set times during the event. Tractors will be parked only inside the marshalling yard. Security staff will be on duty during the night. Workshop is located onsite of the marshalling yard.


Church Service

The Church Service will take place at St. Vitus Cathedral (Prague Castle) on Wednesday, 3rd September 2025 at 19.30.

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony will take place on Friday, 5th September at Horoměřice at 9am (after the Parade of Tractors). At the opening ceremony, all team members (competitors, coaches, judges, and board members) are requested to be present in the field at the flagpole with their country flag.

Closing Ceremony

The flag lowering ceremony will take place at Horoměřice at 15.30 after the Grassland Competition is completed.

Award Ceremony and Plough Banquet

The award ceremony will take place on the evening of Saturday, 6th September 2025 in the Grand Ceremony Hall of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague at 19.00. It is a gala dinner with a multi-course menu, live music, and dance. Dress code for the gala dinner is evening wear.


The head stewards will inspect the contest fields and set the plan with numbers before the draw for plots takes place.

Draw for Plots

Draws for contest plots will be on Thursday, 4th and Friday, 5th September at 20.00 in the University Dining Hall, Menza.

Competitors Plot Numbers

Each plot will be numbered, and each competitor will have a plot number to wear.

Number Signs

Each competitor's tractor will be fitted with signs showing the number of the competitor.


Competitors are only permitted to advertise their personal sponsorship on clothing and ploughing equipment.

Tractor Parade

Before the contest starts, all competitors will be lined up for a parade. The order will be decided by the parade marshalls. The competitors will be asked by the parade marshalls to line up.

Our Partners

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Agrivep, a.s.
Obec Horoměřice
Farmet a. s.