For Competitors
Soil, Ploughing, Depth, Plot Sizes, Time
Stubble Ploughing
Type of Land: winter wheat 2024, winter rape 2023
Description of Soil: Loamy to sandy loam, soil type Cambisol, soil depth min 60 cm.
Grass Ploughing
Type of Land: Mixture of different grasses, winter wheat 2024, winter rape 2023
Description of Soil: Loamy to sandy loam, soil type Cambisol, soil depth min 60 cm.
Ploughing depth: During the Contest, the proposed ploughing depth will be 18-22cm, to be confirmed by the WPO.
Size of plots:
Conventional: 20 m wide and 100 m long
Reversible: 16/24m wide and 100 m long
Headland: 15m
PracticePlots: Per country one plot on stubble, one on grassland. Size is approximately 40m wide x 50m long.
Time: Opening split/Opening furrow: maximum 20 minutes + 60 minutes stop time for judging + a maximum of 160 minutes for ploughing.